Company Exhibition/Sponsorship Costs for Bibliotheca academica 2023

Price: 18 000 CZK / 800 EUR / 870 USD
Includes one table in the lobby of the lecture room (table 120×60 cm, tablecloth, 2 chairs, extension cord), space for a company roll-up and placement of the company logo with a link to the company web on the conference website. No registration fee for one company representative. Total stand area approx. 2×2 m.
Registration fee 1,000 CZK for each additional company participant.
Company will be invoiced by the Association after receiving your application form by e-mail.
Sponsorship donation: minimum 45 000 CZK / 2 000 EUR / 2 150 USD
Includes space for company stand (table 120×60 cm, tablecloth, 4 chairs, extension cord), roll-up with banner in the lecture hall, company logo and link to a company web from the conference website and ALCU home page plus company presentation (20 minutes) in the conference programme. No registration fee for four company representatives. Sponsorship will be acknowledged on the conference website and on the ALCU website for the next 12 months (since the November, 1st).

Note: Number of slots for sponsor presentations within the conference programme is limited. The requests for such a slot will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Thank you for understanding.

Registration fee 1,000 CZK for each additional company participant.
Sponsorship contract should be signed first; payment will be made by bank transfer. Sponsorship will be confirmed at time of full payment.

VAT included in all prices.

Distribution of company promotional materials will be done electronically during the conference.

Please specify requirements beyond the standard equipment as soon as possible.


PhDr. Hana Landová, Ph.D.
Assoc. of Libraries of Czech Universities
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
CZU Library
Kamycka 129
165 00 Prague 6 – Suchdol
Czech Republic

phone: +420 224 384 025

Registration for the conference is now closed. For any changes, please contact

List of company participants of the BA 2023 conference

Displaying 1 - 14 of 14

 Name (Name) Surname (Name) Company/Institution
EvaBlakeTaylor & Francis
NinaKeren DavidEx Libris
ClareMcInnernyTaylor & Francis
LukeMcNicholasTaylor & Francis
DorotaMickiewiczISI Emerging Markets Polska Sp. z o.o
MagdaSchwandtUniversitätsbibliothek Osnabrück - European Legal Studies Institute
MartaWitczakISI Emerging Markets Polska Sp. z o.o
 Name (Name) Surname (Name) Company/Institution

V tuto chvíli přihlášeno: 14 firemních účastníků